The first international meeting of the Erasmus Plus project named “The Journey of Unemployed Adults from Financial Literacy to Enterpreneurship (JAFLE)”, coordinated by Manisa Celal Bayar University, was held on 09-10.06.2022 with the participation of all partners’ representatives and National Agency officials.
In the project, which started on 28.02.2022, it is aimed to create an innovative financial literacy education program that also includes entrepreneurship and digital literacy. E-School (Greece), Formative Footprint (Spain), Klaipedos Valstybine Kolegijakvk (Lithuania) and Financial Literacy Association (FODER) are partners in the project. The first online meeting was held on 29.03.2022 and the second on 26.04.2022.
In addition to the officials of the partner institutions, the National Agency Project Coordinator Dr. Kemal Başçı and Project Specialist Merve Önem attended the first face-to-face meeting, with the project team Prof.Dr. Hatice YURTSEVER, Assoc. Pınar PEHLIVAN and Dr. Faculty Member Lale YAKUPOĞLU hosted.
On the first day of the international meeting, the activities of the first of the three outcomes of the Project were discussed in detail and presentations were made by all partners. In addition, the work and procedures to be done for the first result and the duties of each partner were determined one by one and decisions were taken.
On the second day, the University Rectorate and campus were introduced to the guests, and then, in the visit to Vice Rector Prof.Dr.Ramazan Gökbunar, introductory gifts were presented to our University. Afterwards, visits were made to the historical and touristic places of Manisa. In this context, first of all, visits were made to the Manisa Medical History Museum, Sultan Mosque and Complex, Yeni Han, Kurşunlu Han, Niobe- Ağlayan Kaya and Mevlevihane.
During the visit to the Manisa Medical History Museum-Şifahane, which was restored and opened by our university, the project team was informed about all parts of the museum. In the Şifahane, where visitors showed great interest, information was also given about the historical development of the promenade and its journey to the present.
In the closing session held after the touristic visits, the dates of the next transnational meeting were planned, the general evaluation of the meeting was made and the 2-day meeting came to an end.
The next face-to-face transnational meeting of the project was decided to be held in Spain in November 2022.