“Training of trainers” activity was carried out within the scope of “learning and teaching training” activity in the Erasmus Plus project named “The Journey of Unemployed Adults from Financial Literacy to Enterpreneurship (JAFLE)”, of which Manisa Celal Bayar University is the coordinator. It was held in Istanbul, hosted by the local partner FODER, in 2023. Trainers from MCBU and other partners attended the training.
Representing Manisa Celal Bayar University in education, the project team Prof.Dr. Hatice YURTSEVER, Assoc. Dr. Pınar PEHLIVAN and Dr. Lecturer Lale YAKUPOĞLU attended. The program started with the presentation of the project coordinator Prof. Dr. Hatice YURTSEVER summarizing the project. In addition, the methods and techniques in which the education program will be taught to adults, what should be paid attention to in the education, the prominent issues of the education program and other details were discussed. The program continued with the “Behavioral Finance” seminar given by Atilla KÖKSAL, Chairman of the FODER Board of Directors, and lasted for 3 days in total.
The training program ended with the presentation of participation certificates to the participants.