The 2nd international meeting of the Erasmus Plus project “The Journey of Unemployed Adults from Financial Literacy to Enterpreneurship (JAFLE)”, coordinated by Manisa Celal Bayar University, was held on 17-18.11.2022 in Madrid, Valladolid, with the participation of all partners’ representatives.
E-School (Greece), Formative Footprint (Spain), Klaipedos Valstybine Kolegijakvk (Lithuania) and Financial Literacy Association (FODER) are partners in the project, which received grant support in 2021 and started to be implemented on 28.02.2022.
The project team, representing Manisa Celal Bayar University, attended the meeting with Prof.Dr. Hatice YURTSEVER, Assoc. Dr. Pınar PEHLIVAN and Dr. Lecturer Lale YAKUPOĞLU attended.
In the international meeting; it was decided to translate and publish the 1st result, the activities of which were carried out before, into the languages of the partner countries. In addition, the dissemination activities of the 1st result were discussed. Then, the main issues of the 2nd Result, which started its activities, were put on the agenda. Decisions were made by determining the task sharing in this regard, the work and transactions to be done in the next process, and the duties of each partner one by one. In addition, information was given about the LTTA to be held in January 2023. The meeting was concluded with the presentations of all partners explaining their activities.
The first face-to-face international meeting of the project, which had many online meetings before, was held in Manisa on 09-10.06.2022.