Second Online Meeting of JAFLE Project Held

Second Online Meeting of JAFLE Project Held

The second online meeting of the Erasmus Plus project named “The Journey of Unemployed Adults from Financial Literacy to Enterpreneurship (JAFLE)”, of which our University is the coordinator, was held on 26.04.2022. The partners of the JAFLE Project, which started on 28.02.2022 and will last for two years, are E-School (Greece), Formative Footprint (Spain), Klaipedos Valstybine Kolegijakvk (Lithuania) and Financial Literacy Association (FODER).

At this month’s meeting of the Project, which aims to create an innovative financial literacy training program that includes entrepreneurship and digital literacy; the activities of the First Result, the work and procedures to be done, and the duties of each partner in achieving this result were explained and discussed separately.

The first online meeting was held on 29.03.2022, and the project activities and the duties of each partner were discussed. The next transnational meeting is planned to be held face-to-face in Manisa on 9-10 June 2022.

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