The fifth online meeting of the European Union project named “The Journey of Unemployed Adults from Financial Literacy to Enterpreneurship (JAFLE)”, coordinated by Manisa Celal Bayar University, was held on 21.10.2022.
In the project; E-School (Greece), Formative Footprint (Spain), Klaipedos Valstybine Kolegijakvk (Lithuania) and Financial Literacy Association (FODER) are partners.
At the meeting; focused on reporting the 1st Result completed. In addition, the preparations for the 2nd Result were discussed. The views of the partners were asked for the titles and content of the financial literacy training program. In addition, it was decided to organize the LLTA to be held in Istanbul on 11-13 January 2023. The next meeting will be held face-to-face in Spain on 17-18 November 2022.