The 3rd international meeting of the Erasmus + project named “The Journey of Unemployed Adults from Financial Literacy to Enterpreneurship (JAFLE)”, coordinated by Manisa Celal Bayar University, was held in Klaipeda, Lithuania, on 25-26.04.2023 with the participation of all partners’ representatives. The project team, representing Manisa Celal Bayar University, attended the meeting with Prof.Dr. Hatice YURTSEVER, Assoc. Dr. Pınar PEHLIVAN and Dr. Lecturer Lale YAKUPOĞLU attended the ceremony.
E-School (Greece), Formative Footprint (Spain), Klaipedos Valstybine Kolegijakvk (Lithuania) and Financial Literacy Association (FODER) are partners in the Project, which started to be implemented on 28.02.2022.
Hosted by Klaipedos Valstybine Kolegijakvk, the meeting started with Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Hatice YURTSEVER’s presentation on the development and progress of the project. Afterwards, the issues of which methods and techniques to be used in order to easily explain the financial literacy education program to adults and how to adapt the blended education method to the program were discussed. The recommendations of the host KVK on this subject were discussed in detail. In addition, a detailed explanation was given by the Greek partner E-School on the establishment and operation of the e-learning platform.
After the visit to the Faculty of Technology, the activities to disseminate the project results and the quality assurance report were discussed. After a general evaluation, the participation certificates were presented and the meeting was concluded.
The first face-to-face international meeting of the project, which had many online meetings before, was held in Manisa and the second in Spain.