Today, financial literacy has become an extremely important issue in the financial environment where individuals’ access to financial services is easier thanks to rapidly developing technology. Financial literacy is the ability to solve and decide the economic problems that a person encounters in his life, taking into account the financial conditions. The developments in the digital field have also caused the development of new financial products and services for both businesses and individuals. Financial and digital information is needed for all decision makers in the economy to easily access and effectively use these new financial products and services. The development of financial and digital literacy will also support the participation of individuals in business life and contribute to the increase of financial well-being.
With this project, an innovative financial literacy training program enriched with digital literacy and entrepreneurship information will be developed. By using the said education program in formal and non-formal education institutions, financially informed new generations will be created and individuals’ participation in the labor market will be supported. Thus, employment will be encouraged and the welfare level of the society will be increased.
In this direction, the objectives of the project;
• To create an innovative financial literacy training program that uses the blended education method, supported by entrepreneurship and digital literacy,
• To ensure that this program is used in formal and non-formal education institutions after the pilot training for adults in Turkey and partner countries, and
• To promote employment by improving the access of adults to the labor market, and to create financially conscious and responsible citizens.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the JAFLE project will be implemented in 4 countries, namely Turkey, Spain, Lithuania and Greece. Spanish partner FF is a research center and educational design organization. It will contribute to the implementation of the training program with different training methods and tools. Lithuanian partner KVK is the third largest university of applied sciences in Lithuania. It will contribute to the preparation and implementation of training programs related to the entrepreneurial aspect of the project. The Greek partner e-School, as an adult education centre, is experienced in developing custom e-learning platforms for educational curricula and materials.
It will provide remote access to the program by preparing a web portal in order to disseminate and sustain the project results and have a multiplier effect. There is also a local partner in the project. The local partner FODER is an adult financial literacy education association and will be primarily responsible for training trainers.
A pilot training will be conducted in partner countries within the scope of the project. Therefore, the first target group of the project; There are 20 people (100 in total) each with insufficient financial knowledge to attend pilot training in Manisa and partner countries. With the tests to be conducted before and after the pilot training, the missing aspects of the program will be determined and improvement studies will be carried out in this direction.
Before the pilot training, a short-term LTT will be organized in Turkey in order to train the trainers who will give this training. The second target group of the project is the trainers who will participate in this training. The third target group is training centres, universities, schools, local governments and other stakeholders interested in financial literacy, digital literacy and entrepreneurial skills.
During the project process, a total of 4 TPM will be made once in each country. In these TPMs, the direct contributions of partner institutions to the program will be discussed as well as information sharing. A multiplier event will also be held in all partner countries in order to announce the project results and raise awareness.,
This project will contain a total of 3 results. First result; Research Report and Recommendation. Second result: Financial Literacy Training Program Including Digital Literacy and Entrepreneurship. Third result: e-learning platform.
As a result of the project, a web portal will be prepared, from which the public will be able to access and use the training program remotely. The availability of the web portal after the end of the project will be under the control of MCBU. Dissemination of project results at local, regional, national and European levels will be carried out and provided by all partners.